
AlbumNov 03 / 200910 songs, 34m 40s
Power Pop Pop Rock
4.5 / 10

Melodic sing-alongs, fuzz-guitar riffs-- Weezer are going back to basics, making music that sounds for (but also often by) 13-year-olds.


Presuming to know what’s going through an artist’s mind can be dangerous, especially when that artist’s muse is as flighty as Rivers Cuomo’s. Post-Pinkerton, that little bugger has led the Weezer frontman through a number of inexplicable stylistic swerves, from the power-pop reboot of the self-titled “green album” to…

3.9 / 10

This Rivers is all dried up

Check out our album review of Artist's Raditude on Rolling Stone.com.

1.0 / 10

Weezer’s unpardonable decline into soulless streamlined pop-rock continues with Raditude.

1 / 10

Let's just be honest for a moment: the Weezer of the 21st century has been perpetually dogged with a very simple (and alarmingly frequent) criticism --...

70 %

Album Reviews: Weezer - Raditude

39 %

2.0 / 5

Weezer - Raditude review: Like you expected anything different

6 / 10