IC-01 Hanoi

AlbumOct 26 / 20187 songs, 28m 13s
Neo-Psychedelia Experimental Rock Psychedelic Rock

6.5 / 10

Joined by his brother, father, and the Vietnamese musician Minh Nguyen, Ruban Nielson throws off his habitually weighty themes and digs into a refreshingly raw, heady session of psychedelic rock.

7 / 10

A daring, fully instrumental left turn from Ruban Nielson and co

On the peripheries of what we know to be UMO.

7 / 10

Ruban Nielson has never been one for repetition. Case in point: in parallel to Unknown Mortal Orchestra's kaleidoscopic discography, the mus...

7.5 / 10

Unknown Mortal Orchestra show their true explorative prowess in our review of the sonically stirring but sometimes demanding 'IC-01 Hanoi'

7 / 10