Brill Bruisers
If the previous two New Pornographers records sometimes had a procedural air about them, the vim and vigor of Brill Bruisers forcefully reasserts just how important and therapeutic the enterprise is to all involved. The band's never felt like a purely retro exercise, but Brill Bruisers feels like their most contemporary recording to date.
Canada's inverted supergroup are somewhere close to their best with this boisterous sixth full-length.
Anyone who has been following the work of the New Pornographers since their 2000 debut LP Mass Romantic has to know what to expect from the Canadian supergroup by this point.
Perhaps it’s just the afterglow imparted by the pristine, peppy power-pop that’s been their stock in trade for the last 15 years, but life in The New Pornographers has always seemed like a pretty liberating pastime; a chance for A.C. Newman, Dan Bejar, Neko Case and company to put aside creatively taxing solo ventures and kick loose with something sweet and simple.
Where prog-rock musicians need to create new vistas and compositions to describe them, and comedians need to be funny, when it comes to pop-rock bands there's always the thought that every great musical hook has already been bent and thrown into the sea.
Album review: The New Pornographers - Brill Bruisers. An almost perfect soundtrack to what’s left of the summer...
Like the band’s best work, Brill Bruisers keeps you on your toes with its unrelenting minutiae.
The New Pornographers 'Brill Bruisers' reviewed by Northern Transmissions. the LP comes out on 8/26 on Matador Records, the lead single is "Brill Bruisers"
The New Pornographers - Brill Bruisers review: Pity the fool who has to make the New Pornos greatest hits CD in ten years.