
AlbumFeb 15 / 20009 songs, 57m 55s
Alternative Rock Gothic Rock Neo-Psychedelia

Over the years the Cure touched on many different styles. They’d started as a punk-pop group that receded into ethereal despair that then mutated into raging goth and suddenly discovered uplifting dancefloor-friendly pop and ‘80s-90s psychedelic shimmers. But Cure critics and fans always favored a delicate blend of singer Robert Smith’s pop instincts and his grandiose epic visions. Smith knew this and posited 2000’s *Bloodflowers* as the final part of a trilogy that included 1982’s *Pornography* and 1988’s *Disintegration*. Again, he would indulge in songs that took five-plus minutes to sufficiently unfold and that dwelled in the group’s slower, hypnotic range. He succeeded, since “Out of This World,” the 11-minute “Watching Me Fall,” and “The Last Day of Summer” work over their guitar and keyboard riffs with a death grip’s finality. These are not songs meant to be taken lightly and their intense emotionalism against the Cure’s unyielding wall of sound — sometimes psychedelic, always brooding — makes for solid Goth throughout.

7.5 / 10

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6 / 10