El Camino

AlbumDec 06 / 201111 songs, 38m 26s
Garage Rock Blues Rock
Popular Highly Rated

Keeping the momentum going after their breakthrough *Brothers*, The Black Keys reunite with Danger Mouse, who produced 2008\'s *Attack and Release*. Taking on a co-writing role as well this time, the producer helps Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney stray from their Southern-rock comfort zone. Increasing both the tempos and the hooks, *El Camino* is a joyous, danceable rock album. Standouts like the infectious, fuzztoned single \"Lonely Boy\" and the acoustic-into-electric epic \"Little Black Submarines\" are among the duo\'s most exciting songs.

7.4 / 10

The Black Keys' seventh album features Danger Mouse's strongest production work for the group and a mood that's frivolous, fun, and unabashedly corny.


The Black Keys have always had a little Bad Company in them, even back when they were jamming on Junior Kimbrough songs in small clubs. All it took to expose the band’s arena-rock side was a series of actual arena gigs, which finally happened with 2010’s Brothers, one of the few rock records of the 21st century to get…

6 / 10

8.3 / 10

The Black Keys may have started out as a straightforward, minimalist blues-rock outfit, but the band has quickly proven it…

4 / 5

Check out our album review of Artist's El Camino on Rolling Stone.com.

8.0 / 10

The Black Keys' Patrick Carney and Dan Auerbach bum rush through El Camino like cats in heat, barely stopping to catch a breath.

8 / 10

Few critics could contest that The Black Keys success is undeserved.

After the R&amp;B-flavoured rock of Brothers, the Black Keys' one-dimensional seventh album is a disappointment, writes <strong>Kitty Empire</strong>

The Black Keys have replaced their sometimes insular focus on blues formalism with an emphasis on pop hooks.

9 / 10

<p>The best rock'n'roll album of the year? <strong>Michael Hann</strong> thinks so</p>

85 %

Album Reviews: The Black Keys - El Camino

74 %

3.5 / 5

The Black Keys - El Camino review:

The Black Keys are here to rock with El Camino.

El Camino Nonesuch Records ****

The boys from Akron exercise their right to party. CD review by Russ Coffey

8 / 10

Ten years into the game, Patrick Carney and Dan Auerbach add funk and soul to their potent blues-rock brew, with triumphant results...Of all El Camino’s many achievements, the most easily overlooked might be the fact that it exists at all