Monoliths And Dimensions

AlbumMay 26 / 20094 songs, 53m 40s
Drone Metal Drone
Popular Highly Rated

*Monoliths & Dimensions* is an appropriate title for this 2009 release as it opens with the monolithic “Aghartha,” a 17-minute epic instrumental that starts off with gargantuan, bass-heavy distortion. The track features a guest vocal performance by Hungarian black-metal vocalist Attila Csihar, who is reciting a poem about the creation of a new earth. The painstakingly titled second track makes good use of a bewitching a cappella female choir before four electric guitars crash down — creating a powerful contrast. Mammoth-sized static ushers in slowed Sabbath-esque riffs on “Hunting & Gathering (Cydonia)” as a choir of male vocals provide the feeling that all those listening are being initiated into some kind of druid cult.

8.5 / 10

Sunn O)))'s latest album may be their best, as dozens of collaborators join on four epic tracks that run from slow metal to shimmering orchestral drone.

7.0 / 10

A Review of Sunn O))): Monoliths & Dimensions

8 / 10

With four songs split up between two shiny slabs of vinyl, "Monoliths & Dimensions" isn't exactly directed towards the iPod toting, digiphile crowd. While necessity has forced the folks at Southern Lord to issue a CD version of this release, there's no arguing that the best way to experience SUN...

8 / 10

Experiencing one of Richard Serra's massive steel sculptures in person can be revelatory.

<p>The most compelling – and important – avant garde record since Love's Secret Domain, writes <strong>Jamie Thomson</strong></p>

80 %

Album Reviews: Sunn O))) - Monoliths & Dimensions

4.0 / 5

8 / 10