They Want My Soul

AlbumAug 05 / 201410 songs, 37m 35s
Indie Rock
Popular Highly Rated

You can purchase this album on vinyl or CD at

8.6 / 10

Spoon's eighth album is their most booming LP, most resembling a companion piece to 2007's masterwork Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. Joe Chiccarelli and Dave Fridmann share co-production credits along with the band themselves, and They Want My Soul pulls at familiar threads, fraying things to make them seem now.


The biggest surprise of They Want My Soul, the first new Spoon record in four years, is how long it takes to get going. Since Girls Can Tell heralded the band’s post-Elektra renaissance with “Everything Hits At Once” in 2001, Spoon has been one of the great track-one, side-one bands of its age. Even Transference, the…

7 / 10

8 / 10

A band with nothing to prove go about proving their continued relevance anyway.

8.0 / 10

Even a four-year break between records, and side projects including the debut of Britt Daniel’s Divine Fits and a new LP…

Check out our album review of Artist's They Want My Soul on Rolling

The sound of a band coming to terms with their current state, their distinct past and foggy future combined like never before. 

8 / 10

7.0 / 10

With a career spanning almost 20 years, the members of Spoon are gradually emerging as the grand old men of indie rock. For most acts, notching up nearly two decades together tends to coincide with an inevitable decline in quality control, yet so far the

7 / 10

Album review: Spoon - They Want My Soul. "Showcasing a clear desire to tinker with the formula…"

<p>The Texas alt-rockers have a fine track record yet once again their compelling moments fail to add up to a consistent whole, writes <strong>Phil Mongredien</strong></p>

7 / 10

With They Want My Soul, Spoon expertly aligns their trademark raucousness with bouts of sobriety, thoughtfulness, and anguish.

7 / 10

8.4 / 10

Review Of the new Spoon album 'They Want My Soul', The LP comes out on August 5th on Loma Vista, the first single off 'They Want My Soul' is "Do You"

Texan indie-rockers Spoon have critical acclaim by the bucketload, and rightly so, but can their latest win them commercial glory too, asks <strong>Alexis Petridis</strong>

85 %

Album Reviews: Spoon - They Want My Soul

4.3 / 5

Spoon - They Want My Soul review: Let me be mine.

8 / 10