
AlbumAug 04 / 20178 songs, 29m 55s
Bedroom Pop Indie Pop

Having amassed an impressive back catalog of singles and EPs, Nashville-raised indie artist Sophie Allison reappraises her own hushed, lo-fi heartbreakers on this mini-album. Although beefed up by her live band, *Collection*’s greatest achievement is that it breaks free of the bedroom—take the swirling jangle of “Benadryl Dreams”—without sacrificing any of that beguilingly hazy intimacy. “Try” brings a skipping C86 groove, and “Death by Chocolate” is an irresistible hymn to doomy adolescent longing.

Comprising of reworked versions of some of her best Bandcamp releases, as well as a few new songs written, mixed and produced by Sophie herself, Collection is the perfect introduction to Soccer Mommy’s sound: quietly catchy, surprisingly confrontational, the kind of music that sneaks up on you and makes a permanent first impression.


6.7 / 10

The songwriter Sophie Allison has built a following with her Bandcamp bedroom recordings, but on this new record, she upgrades to a full band, giving her mournful songs a little extra drive.

7 / 10

A promising (re)introduction from a lovelorn singer-songwriter.

7.9 / 10

Soccer Mommy's Collection is refreshing look at your past, a tender look at the moments that made you, you

The technicolour remaster that her debut demo deserves.

8 / 10


7 / 10

Soccer Mummy is 19-year-old songwriter Sophie Allison, and her debut album 'Collection' is a 'best-of' of her numerous Bandcamp releases.

7 / 10

Courtesy of Fat Possum.

7.5 / 10

Review of 'Collection' by Soccer Mommy" Collecting her best tracks for a label debut makes for a light but pleasing outing for Soccer Mommy on 'Collection'

75 %

Soccer Mommy shows that she is working through new experiences and feelings.

7 / 10