Eton Alive

AlbumFeb 22 / 201912 songs, 38m 50s
Popular Highly Rated


Sometimes you just want to hear people make jokes about a world you recognise. And album five makes Sleaford Mods funny again

Drenge display ferocity fit for stadiums on ‘Strange Creatures’, while the fifth studio work from punk duo Sleaford Mods has more than social commentary to offer

Sleaford Mods' latest album is a belch in the face of the architects of austerity, a cry of sheer life amid an increasingly deadening environment.

8 / 10

The target of Sleaford Mods' disdain becomes clear as soon as vocalist Jason Williamson proclaims, "Graham Coxon looks like a left-wing Bori...

7.0 / 10

Parting ways with Rough Trade following the mild disappointment of their 2017 English Tapas platter, the Nottingham austerity-punk duo Sleaford Mods have, for their fifth album "proper," formed their own imprint and made a new record that is as bleak as i

8 / 10

Can we take a moment to talk about Andrew Fearn? You know, the ‘silent half’ of Sleaford Mods? No, not that one, the other one. The chap in

(Extreme Eating)

8 / 10

As the nation gets unhappier, Sleaford Mods get bleaker on 'Eton Alive' the Nottingham duo's most sonically diverse and exciting album yet.

9 / 10

It's very possible to overthink what Sleaford Mods are doing at the same time that is equally possible to underestimate them.

Always recognisable and always evolving, Andrew Fearn and Jason Williamson’s barked social snapshots turn melodic

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8 / 10