Love Letter
Album • Dec 13 / 2010 • 15 songs, 1h 16s
Contemporary R&B
Pop Soul
/ 10
After a few bad records built more on eccentricities and outlandishness than craft and talent, R. Kelly returns to his roots and to form.
Sometimes it’s perfectly kosher to judge an album by its cover. That’s true of Love Letter, R. Kelly’s 10th studio disc. The cover—which features a sunglass-sporting, bow-tied Kelly looking ecstatically upward in imitation of 1960s-era Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder—promises a laid-back, silky-smooth trip through the…
Dare I say I miss the days when he was comparing his lover’s bush to a damp, swampy rainforest?
Has R Kelly finally grown up now he's 43? <strong>Michael Cragg</strong> thinks he might have