Loud Like Love
Placebo's mawkish return is a perfectly listenable record, but one incapable of producing the highs they were once able to arouse.
As it turns out, it's rather telling that not far into their career, Placebo made a memorable appearance in Todd Haynes' 1998 David Bowie roman a clef/glam rock homage Velvet Goldmine as a sinewy band clearly invented as a stand-in for T. Rex.
Album review: Clash covers 'Loud Like Love', the seventh album from rock trio Placebo, featuring the single 'Too Many Friends'
<p>Brian Molko's adolescent goth act touches on modern themes, but the band can't break free of old formulas, writes <strong>Dave Simpson</strong></p>
Nineties glam trio reappear with a likeable, personalized stab at stadium pop. CD review by Thomas H Green