Simulation Theory
On their eighth album, the trio again pivot to the present, using current affairs, pop culture tropes, and contemporary electronics to aim for Spotify omnipotence.
'Simulation Theory' is first LP from Muse since 2015 album 'Drones' — a throwback to the first seven years of the 1980s.
If a Muse album isn’t meant to make you laugh, gasp and double-take in its ridiculousness, then we don’t wanna hear it.
Rock band's eighth album will be baffling to new listeners, and disappointing to old fans
Whether they're fighting alien invaders, shadowy government conspiracies, or the Apocalypse, Muse always do it for love.
Simulation theory, for anyone who hasn't seen The Matrix, is a theory that argues reality is a complex simulation so realistic it convinces its inhabitant that it's real.
Muse return to the 80s aesthetically while bringing out their older writing for our review of the fun and intense 'Simulation Theory'
The band seems to have swapped overblown conspiracy theories about the tech takeover for rock-star gripes: it’s a lot less fun
Muse - Simulation Theory review: This is Muse in 2018 – take them or leave them.