A Thousand Suns

AlbumSep 13 / 201018 songs, 59m 49s
Art Rock Pop Rock

The “hybrid theory” Linkin Park introduced back in 2000 has evolved. Songs like \"The Catalyst\" showcase something more majestic, less tied to hip-hop, and exponentially more symphonic. The components that make Linkin Park one of the new millennium\'s biggest rock bands — the piano-based heartbeat, the chainsaw-guitar roar, the synth and drum machine pyrotechnics, the Mike Shinoda and Chester Bennington throat-shredding interplay — are magnified on this album co-produced by Rick Rubin and Mike Shinoda.

4 / 5

Check out our album review of Artist's A Thousand Suns on Rolling Stone.com.

7 / 10

Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon is revered as one of the greatest albums of all time because it was one of the most ambitious albums released in that...

3.5 / 5

Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns review: An extremely well-crafted rock album from a band whose (self-directed) anger is, for once, well placed.