Root for Ruin

AlbumAug 03 / 201011 songs, 39m 16s
Indie Rock Dance-Punk Post-Hardcore Post-Punk Revival
7.2 / 10

The veteran band takes a victory lap on its latest record, which walks the same path as 2007's relatively polished Let's Stay Friends.


Led by a fearlessly weird, antic bear of a man who’s funnier than most stand-ups, and driven by slippery guitar lines that never devolve into basic riffage, Les Savy Fav is better at rocking on its own terms than just about any other band. By those high standards, it’s jarring to hear a straightforward song like Root…

Check out our album review of Artist's Root for Ruin on Rolling

Perhaps the band’s most amazing quality has been their ability to establish their albums and live shows as twin founts for this freewheeling power.

6 / 10

76 %

Album Reviews: Les Savy Fav - Root For Ruin

88 %

3.0 / 5

Les Savy Fav - Root For Ruin review: Root For Ruin is a good album, but it's just a little too familiar and basic to be great