R.A.P. Music

AlbumMay 15 / 201212 songs, 46m 17s
Southern Hip Hop Hardcore Hip Hop Political Hip Hop
Popular Highly Rated
8.6 / 10

On R.A.P. Music, Killer Mike hooks up with El-P and Adult Swim subsidiary Williams Street for the 2012 equivalent to Ice Cube and the Bomb Squad's similarly inspired bicoastal union on AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted.


It’s a sign of how deeply the battle mindset is ingrained in hip-hop that, even decades removed from the heyday of rap battles, listeners consider guest spots not in terms of collaboration but competition. Fans eagerly rank verses and opine on which rapper topped another—a silly preoccupation, given that rappers who…

8 / 10

8.8 / 10

“A no concession policy remains in force,” thunders a familiar voice on “Reagan.” As the right wing in American politics…

Check out our album review of Artist's R.A.P. Music on Rolling Stone.com.

5.0 / 10

9 / 10

80 %

89 %

5.0 / 5

Killer Mike - R.A.P. Music review: A hip-hop masterpiece to be remembered for years to come

R.A.P. Music Williams Street ****