Damned Devotion

AlbumFeb 09 / 201812 songs, 43m 13s
Neo-Soul Art Pop Singer-Songwriter
Popular Highly Rated

8 / 10

Wasser has drawn strength, inspiration and guidance from people through music to better understand relationships on this album

Also: Joan As Police Woman, Steve Reich, The James Hunter Six and Lily Hiatt

Joan Wasser feels reinvigorated on Damned Devotion and, as with her debut, this is one we’ll be coming back to.


Album Reviews: Joan As Police Woman – Damned Devotion

Joan Wasser - aka Joan as Police Woman - has a reputation as one of the coolest women in rock. Look beyond the strong-female image, though, and you'll find a soul plagued by sensitivity and pain. That's the basis of Damned Devotion. It's a heartbreak hotel of an album. And down in the bar, they are playing sleazy electro-pop and Seventies soul.

8 / 10