The Colour In Anything
Clocking in at 76 minutes, The Colour in Anything is James Blake’s wonderfully messy dive into maximalism.
Self-pitying sadboy James Blake's surprise third album, The Colour in Anything, is his distinctive sound taken to isolating extremes, with help from Frank Ocean, Bon Iver and Rick Rubin
Check out our album review of Artist's The Colour In Anything on Rolling Stone.com.
When I first heard James Blake's voice through his "Wilhelm Scream," I pictured someone altogether different from a shy young lad with a blushing smile. I'm pretty sure everyone did. His computerized cries sounded of weathered experience and the quiet tor
The album finds Blake sidetracked by all the things he can do and doing them coldly, rather than focusing on the few things he should.
James Blake’s third album suggests he’s the only person who can make the space in electronic pop sound like a void
From north London to the world in two very different styles. CD review by Joe Muggs