Diviner is Hayden Thorpe’s solo debut, a deeply candid and emotional album that marks a startling departure from his previous work with Wild Beasts.
The former Wild Beasts singer embarks on a new direction on his soul-searching solo debut, stripping back his songwriting to a reverent hush.
The former Wild Beasts man steps out on his own with a truly stunning debut solo LP
The former Wild Beasts frontman's solo album is a collection of lovelorn piano ballads that reshapes the form into fascinating new spheres
There is merit to Hayden Thorpe's solo Diviner but one has to be in the mood for his fey vocals and sullen disposition to return for any repeated listening.
When a seminal band calls it a day it’s hard to take. It’s even harder when you factor in that the band didn’t, really, put a foot
Hayden Thorpe's Diviner runs its way across the rawness scale – the debut solo album from the former Wild Beasts singer feels like an open wound.