Infinity on High
Album • Feb 05 / 2007 • 14 songs, 47m 57s
Pop Punk
Pop Rock
Tracks like “Fame < Infamy” and “Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am?” find the band wrestling with topics like sudden fame and celebrity. Small surprises work to keep things fresh in the band’s familiar emo-pop realm. Any original fans will find solace in the breakneck speed of “You’re Crashing” and the hint of Bad Religion guitar grandiosity on “Bang the Doldrums.”
/ 10
A long, long time ago, in mid-2005, when Fall Out Boy had not one but two radio hits responsible for taking the ultra-seriousness of the 'emo' subgenre and...
/ 5
Fall Out Boy - Infinity on High review: Fall Out Boy ditch more of their hardcore roots and play up to their pop sensibilities. Properly, this time.