Infinity on High

AlbumFeb 05 / 200714 songs, 47m 57s
Pop Punk Pop Rock

Tracks like “Fame < Infamy” and “Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am?” find the band wrestling with topics like sudden fame and celebrity. Small surprises work to keep things fresh in the band’s familiar emo-pop realm. Any original fans will find solace in the breakneck speed of  “You’re Crashing” and the hint of Bad Religion guitar grandiosity on  “Bang the Doldrums.”


Check out our album review of Artist's Infinity on High on Rolling

<p>Punk-pop with a hint of the Backstreet Boys? It can be done.</p>

It’s the new Cold War, and it’s being fought by sensitive musicians in tight pants.

7 / 10

A long, long time ago, in mid-2005, when Fall Out Boy had not one but two radio hits responsible for taking the ultra-seriousness of the 'emo' subgenre and...


Album Reviews: Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High

4.0 / 5

Fall Out Boy - Infinity on High review: Fall Out Boy ditch more of their hardcore roots and play up to their pop sensibilities. Properly, this time.

6 / 10