Giants of All Sizes
It must be thanks to One Day Like This, by far their biggest hit, that Elbow have ended up with such a cuddly reputation. Life-affirming though many of their anthems are, it doesn’t do the long-running band justice. An early line, from Newborn in 2001, springs to mind: “I’ll be the corpse in your bathtub.”
Sonic Youth’s Kim Gordon releases a debut solo album packed with wry humour, while Elbow jolt listeners out of complacency with their eighth studio record
A record defined by its darkness, Elbow's eighth album Giants of All Sizes is gritty, graceful and vital
History has shown that Elbow records can be tough nuts to crack and the band's eighth studio album, Giants of All Sizes, is no exception.
Build a Rocket Boys!, the first record of the 2010s by the Manchester rock outfit Elbow, nears its conclusion with the jubilant
It’s a dislocated Elbow that you get on this proggy, restless record – but their sense of empathy is still strong
You know we must be living through troubled times if even Guy Garvey is feeling beaten down.