build a rocket boys!

AlbumMar 08 / 201111 songs, 51m 42s
Indie Rock Art Rock Post-Britpop
Popular Highly Rated
6.9 / 10

Once perennial underdogs and now Mercury Prize winners, Elbow release their first album as a commercial and not just critical force.


For every Coldplay or Snow Patrol that’s able to tug America’s heartstrings from across the Atlantic, there are a dozen British bands that do monster business at home, but can’t get arrested here. Sure, Keane or Doves or South play decent-sized American clubs, but—like Manchester band Elbow—they’ve known the glory of…

7.5 / 10

Like other American listeners, I came late to Elbow, paying little attention to the veteran Manchester band until picking…

UK-based music magazine bringing you music news, reviews, features, interviews and more

8.0 / 10

How does one follow up a Mercury Prize-winning album? By dropping the capitals from your album title, the up-tempo rockers from your tracklist, and the angst from your life.

8 / 10

Safe in the knowledge that an audience awaits, Elbow’s fifth album finds the band doing exactly as they please.

8 / 10

<p>They may be unlikely rock stars, but Elbow's latest album shows their success is anything but implausible, says <strong>Alexis Petridis</strong></p>

62 %

Elbow's 'Build a Rocket Boys!' is intelligent and warm stuff. * * * * *

Mancunian masters follow up their Mercury winner with another high-flyer. CD review by Bruce Dessau

8 / 10