
AlbumJan 25 / 20119 songs, 50m 8s
Sophisti-Pop Art Pop
Popular Highly Rated

Vancouver’s Dan Bejar has always been a sly kind of agitator, tearing apart the conventions of indie rock from the inside out. *Kaputt* turns the sloppy proclamations of his earlier albums on their head, opting for streamlined yacht-club funk in the vein of Steely Dan and \'80s Roxy Music. Though the music is soft and leisurely, Bejar’s lyrics remain serrated: “Hey, mystic prince of the purlieu at night/I heard your record, it’s alright,” he sings on “Savage Night at the Opera,” half-whispering with witty contempt.

8.8 / 10

Dan Bejar returns with a brilliant and accessible album that draws from the lush sounds of the early 1980s but never forgets the importance of songwriting.


Something strange happened to rock music in 2010: Soft-focus sax solos stopped being funny. Well, they’re still sort of funny, but indie groups like Gayngs and Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti have reclaimed the smooth-as-Aja sonic textures that characterized the lite-FM songs they first encountered in the back seats of…

9 / 10

8.6 / 10

Always a cagey artist, Dan Bejar sheds his skin seemingly with every song. He’s a chameleon who changes color to suit a…

Check out our album review of Artist's Kaputt on Rolling Stone.com.

8.0 / 10

Destroyer frontman Dan Bejar sings "I write poetry for myself" during Kaputt's "Blue Eyes," and it reads like a modus operandi for his adventurous will over the past decade.

Perhaps one day Bejar will cut an album for the unconverted, but Kaputt is not that album.

6 / 10

In recent years, I've forgiven some albums released in the '80s. Stuff like Bob Dylan's Infidels or Springsteen's Born in the U

Can a homage to a willfully unfashionable genre work? <strong>Alexis Petridis</strong> takes a trip to the unexplored side of the 80s

92 %

Album Reviews: Destroyer - Kaputt

92 %

5.0 / 5

Destroyer - Kaputt review: Destroyer continue to map out unexpected territories with referential landmarks, with magnificent results.

8 / 10