Drone Logic

AlbumOct 07 / 201312 songs, 1h 8m 47s
Tech House
Popular Highly Rated
7.2 / 10

On his new Drone Logic, Daniel Avery schews the hyper-rhythmic minimalism and throwback New Jersey garage sound that currently power UK club music in favor of soupy, riff-driven compositions that borrow from UK fetishes past: burbling acid house, elegant Detroit techno, big beat.

8 / 10

Daniel Avery has produced a complex, deeply satisfying debut – like James Holden's The Inheritors, it offers a new blueprint for techno, a million miles from the commercial sounds extrapolated from the genre by so-called 'superstar' DJs.

7 / 10

Album review: Daniel Avery, 'Drone Logic'. "Its peaks dwarf its troughs, making Avery’s brave debut worth buying for its four best tracks alone."

6 / 10

8 / 10