Fancy Footwork
For Chromeo, fancy footwork means wooing girls with lines like, “Never mind an SMS/What you need is a sweet caress.\" Their second album is a musical Groundhog Day, with our heroes endlessly reliving that awesome afternoon in 1988 when they discovered Hall & Oates and stole their first kiss. But this is serious funny business: The sax solo on “100%” is epic, and the synth that anchors the title track is massive, making for a record that\'s as funky as it is playful and goofy.
Follow-up to 2004's She's in Control again finds the electro-pop duo successfully mining the 80s for inspiration, incorporating talk boxes, 808s, canned percussion, and Prince-style atmospherics.
Chromeo was never meant to be considered a serious musical act, skating that fine line between witty kitsch and cheese-filled retro grooves.