On his latest album-- and first for Merge-- Dan Snaith fully inhabits the 1960s, specifically the branch of sun-kissed pop that was aware of psychedelia but chose not to abandon the pillow-soft pleasures of AM radio, the Zombies, Free Design, the Mamas & Papas, and the Beach Boys.
The latest album from Canadian home-recording whiz Dan Snaith and his makeshift band Caribou starts with the danceable "Melody Day," which sounds like it was built from '60s movie soundtracks. But by the end of Andorra, "melody" is far from Snaith's mind: The disc is front-loaded with tightly structured dream-pop that…
It’s been a good year for experimental, left-field indie-pop. We’ve had Menomena, Panda Bear, Deerhunter and now Caribou. Having released a handful of records to critical acclaim, Andorra sees the one-man band Caribou raise the bar further. This isn’t…
<p>There are few Canadian dreampop exponents with a PhD in maths - and none as good as Dan Snaith. Or so <strong>Ben Thompson</strong> thinks.</p>
Caribou - Andorra review: Daniel Snaith finds structure for his latest batch of machinations.