Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You
On his first solo album in four years, Will Oldham dispenses the wisdom of his life and the anxiety of his present into some of his most intimate and compelling musical settings.
On his first solo album in four years, Will Oldham dispenses the wisdom of his life and the anxiety of his present into some of his most intimate and compelling musical settings.
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Your daily dose of the best music, film and comedy news, reviews, streams, concert listings, interviews and other exclusives on Exclaim!
Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You by Bonnie Prince Billy album review: dangerously honest and frequently beautiful
Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You by Bonnie Prince Billy album review: dangerously honest and frequently beautiful
Bonnie "Prince" Billy suggests the strangeness of life comes in how people silently consent to mainstream conformism like marriage without revision or reinvention.
Bonnie "Prince" Billy suggests the strangeness of life comes in how people silently consent to mainstream conformism like marriage without revision or reinvention.