Strawberry Jam
Strawberry Jam is a passionate and emotional attempt to preserve the energy that permeates Animal Collective's live shows. These songs see the group at their most raw, and are all the better for it.
Already among the decade's most vital artists, Animal Collective cement their status with the spectacular Strawberry Jam. On its first true pop record, the band masters its distinctive experimental approach to songwriting, folding celebration, longing, doubt, loss, and acceptance into complex hooks and choruses.
It's easy to listen to Animal Collective for hours and wind up remembering only euphoria and a few details—an adorable, inhuman noise, maybe, or the way a vocal harmony comes up out of nowhere. Strawberry Jam changes that a little, occasionally allowing keeper melodies to stab through the whimsical layers. "Winter…
Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam review: Strawberry Jam, being one of Animal Collective's most varied release, is also one of their most accessible: there's something for everyone here.