Icarus Falls

AlbumDec 14 / 201829 songs, 1h 35m 52s
Contemporary R&B Pop
6.4 / 10

Zayn’s reputation as a skillful interpreter of pop is tested on his second solo album, a tome of love songs with a concept that hinges on excess and its trickery.

A 27-track mosaic to be poured over time and again, ‘Icarus Falls’ is the album on which Zayn Malik reaches his potential

Fans following the shining thread of Malik’s voice will be led through winding passages of hope, dope, seduction and evasion

7 / 10

An amalgamation of moods - from one of love, moving into excitement to poignant reminiscence about an ex - Zayn Malik’s second studio album


The 27-track Icarus Falls is a forgettable, albeit expertly produced, travelogue of R&B trends.

45 %

Icarus Falls proves Zayn Malik to be a competent musician.