Popular Songs

AlbumSep 08 / 200913 songs, 1h 17m 3s
Indie Rock Indie Pop
Popular Highly Rated
7.9 / 10

The indie rock perennials return with yet another accomplished album, again reminding us why they're among the most consistently rewarding bands of our time.


6.8 / 10

Three years ago, Yo La Tengo declared...

Check out our album review of Artist's Popular Songs on Rolling Stone.com.

Yo La Tengo knows exactly how hard and in what direction to push.

7 / 10

<p>opular Songs presents an iPod shuffle of styles and sounds at once idiosyncratic and surprising, says <strong>Maddy Costa</strong></p>

70 %

Album Reviews: Yo La Tengo - Popular Songs

76 %

4.5 / 5

Yo La Tengo - Popular Songs review: band doesn't know how to suck