Night Paths

AlbumSep 01 / 20177 songs, 38m 48s

HV043 Wil Bolton - Night Paths Wil Bolton is a London-based artist and musician, whose work uses guitars, acoustic instruments, vintage keyboards and effects to create warm and emotive melodies, fragmented and submerged among beds of droning ambient textures and environmental sounds. He has released albums on labels including Hibernate, Time Released Sound, Eilean, Home Normal, Dauw, Dronarivm and Fluid Audio. He has also shown his sound and video works in exhibitions at ICA, Incheon Art Platform, Liverpool Biennial and others, and has performed at venues including Cafe Oto, Tate Liverpool and I'Klectik Art Lab. 'Night Paths' is an album of dreamy ambience inspired by reveries of moonlit summer nights, walking aimlessly through forest paths. Made with a refined instrumental palette of electric guitar, analogue synthesizers and looper pedals, asynchronous loops and layers merge and collide in hypnotic lulling repetitions. An array of stomp box effects and crackling amp noise blur and disrupt these tones. Swathes of gauzy reverb and woozy delays and chorusing effects evoke daydreams and soft-focus memories. Wil Bolton on web: Bandcamp: Website: Facebook: Soundcloud: Vimeo: Reviews: What distinguishes Night Paths from his most recent output is the prominence of the pure guitar tones and a shift away from the crepuscular and opaque in favor of glistening webs and lush, arpeggiated waves of looping sound. These seven tracks comprise a dreamy soundscape, a shimmering miasma of strings, amps, pedals, chorus, and reverb. Always beguiling and immersive, this is also Bolton at perhaps his most pastoral and soothing; a must-have for ambient guitar connoisseurs. // (c) Stationary Travels Duvet-strength warm ambient from Wil Bolton, whose previous records for the likes of Eilean, Home Normal and Sound in Silence have served as handcrafted comfort. Mastered by dronefather Ian Hawgood, Night Paths sees a return to Bolton’s setup of processed guitar, synths and loops, all coming together in one woozy, snoozy textural mass. // (c) Norman Records Wil Bolton displays a wide array of lovely colors on the serenity of “Night Paths”. A contemplative air lightly graces the entirety of the album. Songs effortlessly drift into each other making the entire album feel akin to a joyous symphony. Melodies linger in the mind long after they are over. Throughout the album, Wil Bolton utilizes great skill as he blends together ambient, post-rock, classical, and a hint of folk into the proceedings. Such a great deal of attention allows for every single moment to glide by ever so softly. // (c) Beach Sloth Basking in the ambiance of natural compositions, Wil Bolton creates more than just music. Wil Bolton creates the textures that surround the ever day norm of life, and has continued to do just that with Night Paths. From the opening swells of “Yesterday’s Clouds” to the bursting chimes of “Glint,” it is clear there is a detailed sense of drone creativity littered into the record. A therapy session upon every listen, Night Paths is surely a record that will find the emotional sides of life and accent them with a unique and gifted soundtrack. Either that or Wil Bolton will help write the story of one’s life with the clarity of a epiphany. // (c) New Noise Magazine Akustisch schöpft der in London ansässige Komponist die genretypische Instrumentalisierung in seiner fragilen Form auch aus: Gitarreneffekte, gekoppelt mit Loops und Layers, dazu elektronische Finessen mit dem Keyboard, alles zusammen ergibt melancholische Klanglandschaften mit nachdenklichen Nuancen. Die Klangtexturen sind verträumt und anmutig, dazu sehr ausgewogen in ihren Arrangements. Night Paths verwebt Gefühle von Sehnsucht, Melancholie und fragile Schönheit der Romantik zu einem malerischen Augenblick im Genre des Ambient. Insgesamt finden 7 Songs Platz auf dem Album. Es geht um Wolken, Sterne, dem Gefühl von Verlust und Hoffnung. Die klug aufgestellten Klangfarben versprechen akustische Landschaften intensiver Harmonie, intim und doch anmutig gedankenvoll. Der Zauber wirkt vom ersten bis zum letzten Titel, kein Song gleicht den anderen im strukturellen Aufbau, jeder der sieben Songs behandelt sein eigenes Thema auf eine originelle Weise, welche man im musikalischen Genre begegnet. Daher sollte man kein Titel besonders hervorheben, Nigh Paths ist vom ersten bis zum letzten Song ein funktionierender Kosmos der Emotionen. (c) Gezeitenstrom