Eskimo Snow
After the vulnerable masterstroke Alopecia, WHY? unleash a record that's darker in content but often gorgeous in sound.
On last year’s Alopecia, one of 2008’s more unfortunately overlooked albums, Why? pinballed around the realm of indie rock, never pausing long enough to be labeled. Part pop, part folk, part rhythm-’n’-rhyme, the album never let down its creative momentum. That would suggest good things for Eskimo Snow, which came out…
Crawling out of the shadows of Yoni Wolf’s imagination comes ‘Eskimo Snow’, a bruised, beguiling partner to Why?’s last offering, ‘Alopecia’.
The best moments come when Wolf holds on to his characteristic black humor while descending into mellifluousness.
Why? - Eskimo Snow review: On Eskimo Snow, Why? is a band unsure of itself, half wishing to be taken seriously, half wishing to hide behind its usual mask of sarcasm.