Weezer (White Album)
Memorable characters loom large in our favorite Weezer songs—guys in Buddy Holly glasses and lovelorn losers—but the group\'s tenth studio album is *filled* with the colorful mess of people from the West L.A. beach scene. We meet a pack of heroic slackers in “California Kids,” fall in love with a girl from the cannoli shop in “Thank God for the Girls,” and float past tambourine-playing Krishnas in the sugar-sweet hook of \"(Girl We Got A) Good Thing.” And while most of the *White Album*’s portraits are painted with overdriven guitars and Beach Boys-inspired “oohs,” none is more cathartic than album’s closer, “Endless Bummer,” which begins as an acoustic beach-fire sing-along and ends with a blistering solo.
Weezer's fourth self-titled record, trumpeted as a return to form just like 2014's Everything Will Be All Right in the End, is also their first concept album since Pinkerton.
Weezer's fourth self-titled record, trumpeted as a return to form just like 2014's Everything Will Be All Right in the End, is also their first concept album since Pinkerton.
In 2014, a surprising thing happened: Weezer released a good album. Let’s be honest—ever since The Red Album, every new Weezer record has been briefly hailed as a return to form, often by frontman Rivers Cuomo himself. And then, after a few days, fans would realize it didn’t have nearly the staying power of past…
In 2014, a surprising thing happened: Weezer released a good album. Let’s be honest—ever since The Red Album, every new Weezer record has been briefly hailed as a return to form, often by frontman Rivers Cuomo himself. And then, after a few days, fans would realize it didn’t have nearly the staying power of past…
The White Album is, hands down, the best Weezer album since...well, since it became so hard to agree on what the last great Weezer album was.
The White Album is, hands down, the best Weezer album since...well, since it became so hard to agree on what the last great Weezer album was.
It's now been 20 years since Weezer released a classic album, and even their most devoted fans have doubtless given up hope that they will e...
It's now been 20 years since Weezer released a classic album, and even their most devoted fans have doubtless given up hope that they will e...
The release of a new Weezer record always seems to cause as much trepidation as it does excitement. Their fans are loyal and often near-exclusive; there's even a blog dedicated to finding new music that sounds like "old Weezer."
The release of a new Weezer record always seems to cause as much trepidation as it does excitement. Their fans are loyal and often near-exclusive; there's even a blog dedicated to finding new music that sounds like "old Weezer."
Rivers Cuomo and co’s ‘White Album’ continues their return to respectability with stirring power pop and dorky half-rhymes
Rivers Cuomo and co’s ‘White Album’ continues their return to respectability with stirring power pop and dorky half-rhymes