No Mercy
Album • Dec 05 / 2010 • 14 songs, 1h 1m 9s
Southern Hip Hop
Pop Rap
/ 10
Instead of a triumphant, post-prison redemption tale, T.I.'s latest is yet another introspective work. Kanye West, Drake, Eminem, and Scarface guest.
As is the case with 2Pac, it’s difficult to separate the ongoing crime drama/soap opera of T.I.’s life from the music he creates. So it should come as no surprise that No Mercy, the superstar’s latest post-and-pre-prison-stint album, reflects the life lessons and soul-searching that come with extended jail time at the…
No Mercy is full of moments where suspect lyrical passages coast by under smooth surfaces.
T.I. combines lapses of judgment with dour, generic, music, says <strong>Caroline Sullivan</strong>