With A Lot O' Soul
Of all the Tempts\' albums, *With A Lot Of Soul* is, as the title boasts, the most soulful. The songs are as tough as anything Motown would allow, and lead singer David Ruffin is given free reign to sandblast the lyrics with everything he\'s got. He even interrupts Eddie Kendrick\'s sickly-sweet lead on \"You\'re My Everything\" with a devastating turn at the mic that rips to the very heart of the song. Paul Williams brings his own brand of hurt to \"No More Water In The Well,\" and even \"secret-sauce\" singer Otis Williams gets a rare shot at the spotlight on the doo-wop throwback \"Don\'t Send Me Away.\" But make no mistake: This album is a showcase for David Ruffin, a man who could sing heartbreak with a clawing agony that is unmatched to this day.