
AlbumNov 26 / 201218 songs, 38m 50s
Indie Rock Noise Pop
7 / 10

While there's still scuzzy, shouty songs about beans and insects, the absurdist duo's third album, one track produced by Gruff Rhys, adds some subtle depth.While there's still scuzzy, shouty songs about beans and insects, the absurdist duo's third album…

On their third album, couple Holly Ross and David Blackwell have again gone to every effort to remind us that The Lovely Eggs are northern. Really. They’re very, very northern. And where some bands ‘try to be different’ but in a way that is somehow still creatively safe, The Lovely Eggs seem to not give a shit. They are purebred Lancaster punk and they will shout it in your face. This doesn’t bode well for their music, however.

Album Reviews: The Lovely Eggs - Wildlife