The Prophecy
💿 Stream/Support → fanlink.to/TheProphecy Tenno has assembled a gorgeous getaway for your mind to rest in with his latest EP “The Prophecy”. Relaxing flute melodies, airy pianos and atmospheric field recordings create a landscape where you want to spend the whole evening in. Close your eyes and get comfortable - as the prophecy of a brighter future unfolds ⛩️ 🎵 Music by Tenno → www.instagram.com/tennomusic/ → www.youtube.com/c/tennomusic → linktr.ee/tenno 🎨 Artwork by Denis Istomin → www.instagram.com/istomin__denis/ → www.deviantart.com/gydw1n → society6.com/gydwin 🎼 Listen to ChilledCow on Spotify, Apple music and more → bit.ly/chilledcow-playlists 💬 Join the Discord server → bit.ly/chilledcow-discord 👕 Check out the ChilledCow merch → bit.ly/chilledcow-merch 🌎 Follow ChilledCow everywhere → bit.ly/chilledcow-instagram → bit.ly/chilledcow-twitter → bit.ly/chilledcow-facebook 📝 Submit your music → bit.ly/chilledcow-submissions