EP • Apr 14 / 2021 • 8 songs, 17m 6s
Lo-Fi Hip Hop
🐾Stream/Download » chffm.to/cycles.kae In the past three years, prolific producer SwuM has released three projects with us: 2019's Orbit, 2020's Aries, and now 2021's Cycles. The third part of the laid-back instrumental trilogy remains in outer space, floating with hope. Eight lofi tracks that welcome the cosmos and provide the bounce. 🙌 Follow SwuM ・ Spotify: chll.to/42b76105 ・ Chillhop: chll.to/1ca90b54 🙌 Follow Ben Belial ・ SoundCloud: chll.to/f108ddae ・ Spotify: chll.to/3e6aeafe ・ Apple Music: chll.to/d60e2d1b ・ Chillhop: chll.to/28f686ae 🎨 Art by Endless Takeout ・ www.instagram.com/endlesstakeout ・ www.etsy.com/shop/endlesstakeout