Magnetic Drugs

AlbumMar 03 / 200310 songs, 1h 15m 39s
Free Folk

from Mathieu Duval's "My Record Collection" website "What is there to say about an album which starts with a track like The Overt Statuette, an exercise in strangeness, there's no beat or melody in sight, just bizarre, unidentifiable noises. Very unusual when compared to the psychedelic jams we're used to, but that's just proof that the Sunburned collective are an unpredictable bunch, always trying to break new ground. It's funny to hear a group like NNCK trying to sound exactly like this on their later releases, knowing full well that Sunburned Man Of The Hand were doing these same sounds a few years before. Electronic sounds have taken a bigger role on this record which finds the collective leaning more towards the weirder side of their sound. The eighteen-minute-long The Soft Hustle is an interesting bit of hysteria as crazed female screams mix with distorted yelps, electro-buzzes and in-the-red drum beats (those hi-hats'll drive you mad).