Fire Escape

AlbumAug 08 / 20079 songs, 48m 37s
Psychedelic Rock

From Mathieu Duval's 'My Record Collection' website: 'When I first heard about this collaboration with Four Tet, I was thinking: "Oh no! Hebden is going to turn this into some sort of electronic album! He'll just fuck up the whole Sunburned sound!" Boy was I ever wrong! In fact, this is quite far from the remixed and reviewed album I was expecting; Kieren Hebden, even though he is the brains behind this particular album, acts more like a producer than the creator. The music is 100% Sunburned without a doubt and Hebden, who is a devout fan of the band, shows respect throughout. Imagine having a whole bunch of Sunburned's session recordings and being able to do whatever the fuck you want with them! A dream come true! Hebden obviously had tons of fun putting this all together and this rings through loud and clear on each track, from the noisier filler tracks like Captain Knowhere to the longer, pounding jams like the title track or The Wind Has Ears! Definitely some of Sunburned's best material yet!'

7.3 / 10

Here the ramshackle folk/improv collective-- eight strong, with two Vibracathedral Orchestra members and Hush Arbors' Keith Wood in tow-- work under the direction of Four Tet's Kieran Hebden, resulting in their most focused album yet.