This Is My Dinner

AlbumNov 01 / 201810 songs, 1h 29m 35s
2.8 / 10

Mark Kozelek’s latest diary entry of an album amounts to a rote and barely listenable slog of hackneyed impersonations, petty grievances, and prideful nostalgia.

6 / 10

7 / 10

This Is My Dinner

6.0 / 10

Mark Kozelek reached his half century last year which could cause a period of reflection for some, perhaps slowing down for others.

8.0 / 10

'This Is My Dinner' by Sun Kil Moon, album review by Andy Resto. The full-length is due for release on November 1st, via Calo Verde Records.

30 %

Kozelek has given up even the slightest pretense of songwriting.