A Beginner's Mind
A few years removed from his Oscar-nominated work on 2017’s *Call Me by Your Name*, Sufjan Stevens turns to film for inspiration on this collaborative concept LP with LA singer-songwriter Angelo De Augustine. Working together in upstate New York, the two would watch a movie in the evening, then write a song in response the next morning, employing the sort of quiet arrangements and pristine melodies that mark their work as solo artists. It’s an ode to maintaining an open mind (or *shoshin*, the Zen Buddhist term whose English translation is the album’s title), Stevens and De Augustine as eager to engage with horror films and commercial blockbusters as they would artier fare—from *All About Eve* to *Hellraiser III*, *Bring It On Again* to *Point Break* and *Wings of Desire*. But whether they’re giving voice to *The Silence of the Lambs*’ Buffalo Bill (“Cimmerian Shade,” sung from the perspective of said serial killer) or exploring the power dynamics of Spike Lee’s *She’s Gotta Have It* (“It’s Your Own Body and Mind”), every song here sparkles and stands on its own. You don’t need to have seen any of the source material to fully appreciate it.
With a collection of gentle duets inspired by great-to-iffy movies, the veteran songwriter and protégé uncover mythic resonances and ugly truths.
Stevens' collaboration with fellow Asthmatic Kitty recording artist De Augustine is permeated by a sense of openness and…
Sufjan Stevens still loves a concept album, and this film-inspired set of songs works seamlessly
This duo have reflected on their classic movie binge-watch in sweetly harmonised acoustic tranquility, like a modern day Simon & Garfunkel with PhDs in psychotherapy
Sufjan Stevens and Angelo De Augustine each make susurrant music that's rich with heart and striking imagery. De Augustine has released thre...
Sufjan Stevens and Angelo De Augustine’s "A Beginner’s Mind" is as brilliant in execution as it is in design. Stevens and the similarly voiced De Augustine decamped to Upstate New York and proceeded to write songs inspired by movies they watched the evening before.
Save for the odd baffling misstep, A Beginner's Mind is a record to cherish from Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine
Sufjan Stevens is taking aim on 'A Beginner's Mind' with catchy alt-folk that soothes the ear while placing bitter contents below the surface.
A Beginner's Mind by Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine album review by Brody Kenny. The LP drops on September 24 via Asthmatic Kitty
Sufjan Stevens and Angelo De Augustine - A Beginner's Mind review: I am eating a chocolate in bed and it reminded me of this album so