The Golden Renaissance: Josquin des Prez
Album • Jan 29 / 2021 • 14 songs, 1h 22m 54s
Renaissance Music
Josquin des Prez—the Franco-Flemish composer who was one of the High Renaissance’s most inspirational figures—is the focus of this atmospherically recorded album. Built around his plainchant-based *Missa Pange lingua*, *The Golden Renaissance* finds us in the company of the 12 voices of British ensemble Stile Antico, who are wonderfully assured and seasoned exponents of music of this period. Tucked in among the Mass movements are antiphons and chansons in honor of the Virgin Mary (including a world premiere recording of “Vivrai je tousjours”). Two other Renaissance composers—Hieronymus Vinders and Jacquet de Mantua—feature, mourning this towering and hugely influential musical figure and rounding off a winning album.