New Life Dreaming

AlbumAug 23 / 20055 songs, 1h 8m 48s

From the first chord of "Perfect Dream" to the final fade of "In the Eye Of Noche", NEW LIFE DREAMING presents an unbroken feeling of connection to essential meditations found on STRUCTURES FROM SILENCE, QUIET MUSIC and DREAMTIME RETURN. All of these pieces were created during late 2004 and 2005. The process of remastering DREAMTIME RETURN helped open the door into that timeless place found in Steve's most appreciated works. NEW LIFE DREAMING represents an essential chapter in the book of quiet, nourishing and graceful sound paintings. "The desire to tap into the soundcurrent from which the Dreamtime music was drawn just seemed inevitable after the remastering process started in December of last year (2004). It's a living, breathing, space for me which has continued to flow down deep over the years. As I re-opened the door to this dreamtime space, the creative urges and subtle cues to follow the trail deeper was immediately reinforced bythese new pieces which feel directly connected to this indescribable quality"