Early Works
Though Steve Reich\'s trailblazing minimalist compositions have had a huge impact on everything from rock to electronica, Reich didn\'t really reach an audience beyond the avant-garde cognoscenti until the \'70s. The pieces collected here from his early career—mostly from the \'60s—eventually became influential, but they remained a kind of buried treasure for years. As with most great minimalism, the simplicity of these compositions is simultaneously disarming and devastating. \"Come Out\" manipulates a tape of the voice of a young man caught up in the Harlem Riot of 1964, looping a single phrase into aural abstraction. \"It\'s Gonna Rain\" achieves a similar effect, with the voice of a Pentecostal preacher delivering an apocalyptic sermon. \"Piano Phase\" takes a more conventionally \"musical\" performance approach to the same idea; two pianists start playing in unison but gradually grow further and further apart to create a dazzling tapestry of ostinato lines. \"Clapping\" is ostensibly the simplest of all, applying the basic concept behind \"Piano Phase\" to two pairs of human hands coming together and drifting apart.