Okemah and the Melody of Riot
Album • Aug 31 / 2018 • 22 songs, 1h 21m 5s • 85%
Country Rock
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Latest record from alt-country hero Jay Farrar is named in part for Woody Guthrie's birthplace.
While there was never much question that Jay Farrar was the guiding light behind Son Volt, he's managed to extinguish any lingering doubts about that issue with Okemah and the Melody of Riot, his first album under the Son Volt handle since 1998's Wide Swing Tremolo.
Okemah and the Melody of Riot is heady stuff, to be sure, but it’s also one of the year’s best straight-up rock albums.
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After a five year pause to pursue different musical paths as a solo artist, Jay Farrar returns to the full-band format of Son Volt, albeit with a...