The Day I Passed
📀| Get this album on vinyl (limited edition): → bit.ly/3OH2EYM 💿| Listen everywhere → fanlink.to/TheDayIPassed 🎵 | Music by softy → www.instagram.com/softy_hs/ → open.spotify.com/artist/0wcen0V8FgQu6xYupnZMbB → twitter.com/softy_hs 🎵 | Otis Ubaka → open.spotify.com/artist/1YreDOGr8en691i5jQJJMK 🎨 | Artwork by Margaux Peltat → www.instagram.com/gomar_doodles/ → www.patreon.com/margauxpeltat _____________________________________________ 🎼 | Listen on Spotify, Apple music and more → bit.ly/lofigirI-playlists 🌎 | Lofi Girl on all social media → bit.ly/lofigirl-sociaI 💬 | Join the Lofi Girl community → bit.ly/lofigirl-discord → bit.ly/lofigirl-reddit 👕 | Check out the Lofi Girl merch → lofigirlshop.com 📝 | Submit your music / art → bit.ly/lofi-submission _____________________________________________ ✔️ | This music is free to use for your videos/livestreams → bit.ly/lofigirl-usethemusic