To All Trains
Released just 10 days after Steve Albini’s death, the trio’s sixth record closes the book on the band and serves as a reliably excellent epitaph.
Released just 10 days after Steve Albini’s death, the trio’s sixth record closes the book on the band and serves as a reliably excellent epitaph.
The late Steve Albini’s legendary power trio Shellac bring the noise (rock) one last time…
The late Steve Albini’s legendary power trio Shellac bring the noise (rock) one last time…
‘To All Trains’ is the swansong of Steve Albini: The Musician, the final word on the muscular, misanthropic brand of rock music that he purveyed for so
‘To All Trains’ is the swansong of Steve Albini: The Musician, the final word on the muscular, misanthropic brand of rock music that he purveyed for so
Shellac - To All Trains review: I didn’t notice, your hair is really great.
Shellac - To All Trains review: I didn’t notice, your hair is really great.