Backed by industrial noise, drum machines, and synths, the Philadelphia-based songwriter rages at systems of oppression on a bleak, troubling record of nearly unrelenting hostility.
The Philly-via-Vegas musician (and Tuca & Bertie voice actor) is at his best when he’s confrontational
The artist’s eighth studio album is brimming with '90s inspiration, but can't be consigned to any one genre.
Shamir's new album Heterosexuality is a record of liberation and rage; a cathartic release following years of volatility and instability
For Shamir's eighth studio album, Heterosexuality, the Philadelphia artist directly addresses his queerness for the first time by embracing...
The question of why Shamir Bailey isn’t a bigger star by now needs answering.
Mutlifaceted artist Shamir is on typically chameleonic form on the mesmerising, intensely personal new record, Heterosexuality
Pop renaissance man Shamir channels trauma, rage, and feelings of angst, and in response to our troubled times, he's released an album of uncommon beauty.