Oh! The Horror & The Fury!

AlbumJun 18 / 202117 songs, 49m 3s

I wasn't planning on releasing a full-length record in 2021. 2020 was supposed to be an "off-year", one focused more on more internal pursuits and getting some stuff together for a life out west. I spent most of 2019 fixated on two expeditions and creating a documentary, pretty much solo, so, I was a bit spent. COVID destroyed a lot of that notion of a break from the normal and I ended up having one of my more prolific musical years to date. Hmm. OK, Time to take a longer break I told myself with '21 rounding the corner. I put the guitars and Martenot in the corner and took a much-needed respite from playing. I did other things and I relaxed, which I found kind of unhelpful, to be honest. Depression set in and I ended up feeling quite stuck. Well, thankfully, the musical siren tempted me back closer to the gear after a few months and this record started coming together. Overall, there is a certain undercurrent of levity to some of this material that previously was a bit obfuscated because I was overly cautious or conservative to show that side of myself. Infamously, I was once told by a well-known artist that I should be more serious when presenting myself and work publicly because no one would ever take me seriously or buy my work if I was making jokes or was mildly humorous, even in the most minor ways. That is a lame and cynical worldview in my assuredly naive estimation. That being said, I always looked at art through the eyes of an artist, knowing that on the other side of the brush, synth, guitar, etc, there are jokes with friends, being goofy, and general humorous thoughts about life. For f's sake, are you telling me Warhol never made a fart joke? Give me a break. I found the notion and ethos of sterilizing myself in my work stripped away some of the humanity and who I really am from the pieces. That snide comment was also told to me by someone who I think is quite an asshole, so, "Swings and Roundabouts" as they say. Maybe they're alright now. Maybe they had a low sugar tantrum kind of day all those years ago... That being said, their work commands much more than mine ever will, so their conservatism may be a prudent way of protecting investments. Anyway, It's high time to be more myself and let the real me interfere/tamper/tinker with the more public-facing portions of my art. That is me after all. I am not the stone-faced, heroin-chic, tortured artist. I am me: The short goofball from Northern Michigan that has a higher than average pitched voice (but also somehow monotone according to some online trolls!) that does lots of things at an alright capacity and cackles often at my own jokes. If you're not into it, that's fine. Go elsewhere. Life is too short to hide me from you. Ok, I'm going out for a bike ride. Love to you all. SCP.