Interior Field

AlbumSep 24 / 20132 songs, 1h 1m 49s
Field Recordings Drone

LINE_062 Interior Field is a new stereo variation of a multi-channel sound work created from field recordings of a variety of small and large spaces from around the world. This work was originally presented at Civilian Art Projects in Washington, DC in 2012. Through his compositional practice, Chartier utilizes the unique physicality of these environments to create a newly defined acoustic space. Interior Field is a transposition of location, focus, and experience itself. A significant element of “Interior Field (Part 2)” comes from binaural recordings at the McMillan Sand Filtration Site in Washington, DC. This unique historical site, built in 1905, is currently slated for almost complete demolition and redevelopment. Chartier was given special access to record at this site during a major rainstorm. Vast vaulted catacomb chambers with floor surfaces covered in four feet of sand create an unexpectedly deep acoustic field. Interior Field is the follow up to Chartier’s critically acclaimed field recording work Fields for Mixing, released in 2010 on Room40 (Australia).